Years ago in a state far, far away, my father-in-law ran a small cafe in the North Louisiana town of Clarks. Population … very, very, very small. One of his most popular items and a menu item that is still prepared at their home and now ours is the Old Mill Town Burger. Named after the Old Mill Town Cafe it has almost been the sandwich of legends for the family. Don’t tweak it by adding ketchup or you’ll ruin the whole effect. I mentioned adding BBQ one time and was almost thrown out of the house!
The traditional Old Mill Town Burger is a pan fried quarter pound burger or larger. Once it is almost cooked, top, while still in the pan, with mustard, chopped onion, dill pickle slices and cheddar cheese. Cover it so that the cheese melts over everything.
While that is happening, spread some mayo on your hamburger buns and toast them in another pan. Currently the proper mayo to use is Duke’s. The original mayo used was Blue Plate. Being raised in the North I never heard of Blue Plate mayonnaise before and asked if it was still produced. Of course it is, it’s a good Southern mayo was the answer. I thought Duke’s was the mayo of the South but apparently Blue Plate is the mayo of the Deep South. Don’t you love learning something new!? Of course, some of you are probably very aware of the differences and nuances of Blue Plate and Duke’s mayonnaise. For the record, Duke’s was created in 1917 in Greenville, South Carolina; while Blue Plate was created in 1927 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Back to creating the Old Mill town burger. After you pan toast your buns with your mayo already spread on them. Remove the buns and spread on more mayo. Add lettuce and tomato to the bottom bun, place your burger with the fixings on next and then cover with your top bun.
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