Congratulations Chef Denny: NCACF Chef of the Year!!!

Chef Denny Trantham is one of those larger than life types of chefs.  Partly because he’s a big tall guy and partly because of his outgoing ‘I don’t know a stranger’ personality.  Everyone loves Denny and not just because he’s so darn likeable but also because he promotes the culinary profession so well.  His enthusiasm for food and cooking become obvious soon after meeting him even if he isn’t wearing a chef’s coat.  He loves to talk . . . especially about food, cooking, wine, beer or anything else related to his passion.

Chef Trantham was raised in Haywood County, North Carolina.  Coming from the Southern Appalachian culture, he has been exposed to the rich traditions that the South has to offer.  His culinary skills are reflected today in his innovative and diverse Southern elegance cuisine.  He works closely with local farmers in order to provide the freshest ingredients, while also supporting the local economy.  Chef Trantham attended Johnson & Wales University in Charleston, SC where he earned his Associate Degree in Applied Science of Culinary Arts.  He also received his Master in Business Administration from Montreat College, Montreat, NC.

Chef Denny’s remarks concerning the Chef of the Year award:
A feeling of humbleness knowing that many others are more deserving.  From the early days at Johnson & Wales in Charleston to GPI, I thank those that have assisted in molding & teaching me the tough lessons in a professional kitchen.  For this I am extremely thankful & blessed to be a part of such an organization.  Thank you sincerely – Onward!

American Culinary Federation North Carolina Chapter
ACF North Carolina provides accredited educational programs, certification, competitions and networking designed to enhance professional growth for all current and future chefs and professional culinarian.

For more on NC ACF, click here.

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