Sauerkraut Recipe

Not everything about New Year's was memorable or exciting.  Take sauerkraut being one of the staples for us on New Year's Day!  Yeah, I'm German through and through but that still doesn't get me excited about sauerkraut.  I still want to share our sauerkraut recipe with you so look for it at the end of this post.  Other aspects of the New Year were a little better.

I always remember my parents singing this song to us on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day.  When I moved away from home I would still make a point to call home soon after mid-night and my parents would sing it for me over the phone.  It is a little strange that I never thought to learn the song myself - but you know how you get caught in the bonds of tradition!  The New Year just didn't seem right until I hear it sung.

This is known more as the Swiss New Year's song but good luck if you try to find it any where except in the Amish culture.  I posted the photo above so you can see the notes with it also.  Most of the time the notes are never included with the words, everyone just knows the tune.

To make things a little easier the words in German and then again in English for the song are posted below.

Die Zeit ist ankommen, das freudige Jahr,
Gott wolle euch geben das ganze Neujahr.
Gott wolle euch geben das ganze Neujahr.

Viel Gluck und viel Segen in euerem Haus,
Gott wolle euch geben den Segen in's Haus.
Gott wolle euch geben den Segen in's Haus.

Im Himmel, im Himmel, am himmlischen Thron,
Gott wolle euch geben im Himmel den Lohn.
Gott wolle euch geben im Himmel den Lohn.

Wir wollen's beschliezen, un wunschen dabei,
Gott wolle euch geben das ewige Reich.
Gott wolle euch geben das ewige Reich.

New Year's Song
'Tis time now to welcome the Happy New Year,
God grant you to live and enjoy the New Year.
God grant you to live and enjoy the New Year.

Good fortune and blessings to dwell in your home,
God grant you such blessings this year in your home.
God grant you such blessings this year in your home.

In heaven before the great heavenly throne,
God grant you reward in that heavenly home.
God grant you reward in that heavenly home.

In closing this year, we repeat this one wish,
God grant you on high once that heavenly bliss.
God grant you on high once that heavenly bliss.

Sauerkraut Recipe

5  lbs Cabbage (about 3+ regular heads)
3  Tbl Canning Salt (course Kosher salt)

Shred the cabbage and place half of it into a crock and sprinkle half of the salt over it.  Place the remaining cabbage in the crock, sprinkling the rest of the salt over the top.  Compress the cabbage to extract the water out of the cabbage until the juice covers it.

Place a plate or hard flat object over the cabbage and add additional weight on top and cover (using a large bag filled with water is an easy way to weight it down as well).  This should be kept in a well ventilated room at normal room temperatures around 68 - 72 degrees, but not below 60.  At the high end range the process will take about four weeks.

After two days, check the cabbage and continue to do so every couple of days.  When scum accumulates on the top just skim it off.  This is only yeast and mold and will not damage the sauerkraut unless left alone.  If the juice turns color at the top remove it as well as spoiled cabbage.

Yields about 2 quarts

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